We are almost halfway through the first nine weeks. If you didn't see your child's progress report this week, please ask them for it. Watch for Homecoming activities to be posted soon.
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Friday is Camo day! There is no pep rally, but please show your school spirit by participating in our spirit day this week.
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
camo day
spirit days
Due to continuous rain and potential flooding we will have a 2 hour delayed start again tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept 4. All buses will leave 2 hours later with classes starting at 10. Remember that when we have a delayed start, breakfast isn't served since lunch is an hour later. Please watch for any updates or changes regarding tomorrow's school day
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Due to potential flooding in the area, we will be releasing school early today. We will be using big buses to take students home. We will release the following routes at 2:00pm: Eden, Eola, and Lake Ivie. We will release the following routes at 3:00pm: Ballinger/Winters, San Angelo, Mereta, and Paint Rock in town. We apologize for the inconvenience, but student safety is our top priority.
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
All after school activities, including volleyball game have been cancelled for tonight. All students will be on buses at end of day.
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
We will have a 2 hour delay tomorrow. All buses will run 2 hours later than usual. Classes will start at 10 am
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Weekly bulletin
5 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
weekly bulletin
Come join us for the first home football game of the season.
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Football game
Don't miss our first spirit day and pep rally! There will be awards for the best participation in spirit day!
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
spirit day!
Board Meeting - Thursday, Aug 29th at 6 pm
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Aug Board Agenda
Aug Board agenda
Lots going on this week! Three opportunities to check out the amazing PR athletes this week!
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
weekly bulletin
Don't miss out on getting your 2024 Volleyball shirt!
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
shirt order
https://share.teamfunded.com/YNSwEtt5cejhdZL58 We just kicked off our 2024 Paint Rock Band fundraiser with TeamFunded. Your support is appreciated. Any donation amount helps to provide our students with a fantastic experience. Paint Rock Band Travis Hobson
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Here are the football and volleyball schedules. Please remember athletic schedules are subject to change.
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
vb schedule
fb schedule
Here is the weekly bulletin for the week of 8/19
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
weekly bulletin
Thank you to the Motörhead Social club! They held a bake sale and donated their $1000 profit to areas schools. Paint Rock received $200 to help with supplies for student who need them. We appreciate their support!
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Here is the bus schedule for this year. Pick up and drop off points will be the same except for San Angelo. The drop off point for San Angelo's regular route in the afternoon is Producer's Park. San Angelo Athletic route drop off is the bank.
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
bus schedule
Meet the Indians will be Tuesday, Aug 13 with cheer serving chicken spaghetti at 5:00 Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Due to maintenance and electrical issues on campus we are unfortunately having to postpone Meet the Indians. Please watch for update to let you know when it will be rescheduled.
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
Don't forget Meet the Indians on Monday, August 12. Come meet the teachers and see your classrooms. Bring snacks me money for dinner and to buy a "smartie" for your student. You even get to personalize their smartie note and we will deliver to their class the first day of school.
6 months ago, Paint Rock ISD
meet the Indians